The Runner Diaries — Lorna Chaulet

Inspired by Refinery29’s Money Diaries and The Cut’s Sex Diaries, welcome to The Runner Diaries, where we’re sharing a behind-the-scenes look into a week of training with runners of varying ages, paces and GPS coordinates.

This week, we have Lorna Chaulet, a 25-year-old from Boston, Massachusetts. Despite Chaulet’s claim that she is anything BUT a runner, below, she documents her week running back-to-back marathons in Paris and Boston.


Name: Lorna Chaulet
Location: Boston, Mass
Age: 25
Training For: Paris & Boston Marathons
Occupation: Marketing at Reebok
Goal race? Paris Marathon
Following a training plan? No
Part of any running communities, clubs or training programs? I’m a member of Janji Corps
How long you’ve been ‘a runner:’ 2016
Goal weekly mileage: One long run per week Continue reading “The Runner Diaries — Lorna Chaulet”